How to Treat Meniere's Disease Through Lifestyle Changes

How to Treat Meniere's Disease Through Lifestyle Changes

Meniere's disease is caused by abnormalities in fluid volume in the inner ear. Symptoms include dizziness, tinnitus, vertigo, roaring or popping sound in the ears, variable hearing loss and a feeling of pressure. Typically, when one ear manifests the symptoms, over time, hearing loss is may occur. Lifestyle changes can be one of the best ways to limit the symptoms of Meniere's since there is no cure.


Maintain healthy eating habits. Eating a balanced diet allows your body to function at its best. Meals should be eaten regularly and consist of with whole grains, fiber, dairy, protein and some carbohydrates.


Control the amount of sodium in your diet. The average person needs less than two grams of sodium per day. Sodium increases the amount of fluid your body retains and can affect your blood pressure. Processed or canned foods, soups and preserved meats such as bacon and ham contain high amounts of sodium.


Limit or eliminate caffeine and restrict the use of alcohol and tobacco.


Exercise regularly without extended periods of physical fatigue. Exercising three to four times a week, if possible.


Reduce unnecessary stress that may be a part of your everyday life. Intense careers and the burden of personal responsibilities can become stressful and overwhelming. Make time for a short walk, a few minutes of fresh air, breathing exercises or any activity that calms you.


Get plenty of sleep regularly to avoid fatigue, which can lead to added stress.


See your physician yearly and request hearing tests to keep records of changes in your hearing after your diagnosis. Seek advice on counseling and prescription medications if symptoms continue or worsen.

How to Take Feverfew for Health

How to Take Feverfew for Health

Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) is a member of the sunflower family that is native to southeastern Europe although it is now widespread in Europe, North America and Australia. It is a perennial that blooms between July and October. The following steps will help you decide whether or not to take this herbal supplement.


Read about the historical uses of feverfew. The dried leaves have been used for centuries in Europe to treat headaches, arthritis and fevers. It also has been used traditionally to alleviate asthma, labor difficulties and menstrual discomfort.


Look at the results from modern scientific testing. Some clinical studies have shown certain feverfew supplements to be effective for treating migraine headaches. Health care providers frequently use it for this purpose.


Purchase feverfew supplements that contain at least 0.2 percent parthenolide, the active ingredient of feverfew. It is available in capsule, liquid and tablet form.


Take the adult recommended dosage of 100 to 300 mg up to four times per day. Dosages for carbon dioxide extracts are 6.25 mg three times per day for up to 16 weeks.


Study the side effects of feverfew. They can include abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea and vomiting. Patients who are allergic to chamomile, ragweed or yarrow should not take it. It is also contraindicated in patients with bleeding disorders, pregnant women, nursing women and
less than two years of age.

How to Take Ephedra for Health

How to Take Ephedra for Health

Ephedra (Ephedra sinica) is native to China and also known as ma huang, which means "yellow hemp" in Chinese. It grows in dry climates and the above-ground parts are used medically. Ephedra specifically refers to an alkaloid that is extracted from the plant. The following steps will help you decide whether or not to take this herbal supplement.


Read about the historical uses of ephedra. It has been used for 5,000 years in China to treat asthma, hay fever and the common cold.


Understand the potency of ephedra. The dry weight of the aerial parts of the plant is 1 to 3 percent alkaloid content, most of which is ephedrine. This means that the plant is a powerful stimulant by itself without refinement.


Study the chemistry of ephedrine to know that it is a powerful stimulant that is chemically similar to amphetamine and methamphetamine. It is also a considered a performance-enhancing drug in most


Trace the legal history of ephedra in the United States. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposed banning ephedra products containing more than 8 mg of ephedrine in 1997. This was opposed by the health supplement industry, which lobbied heavily to prevent the ban, and the FDA withdrew its proposal in 2000.


Review additional evidence published by the New England Journal of Medicine in 2000 which attributed a number of deaths to ephedra use. The FDA banned the sale of ephedra products on April 12, 2004, and the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the ban on Aug. 17, 2006. The sale of ephedra remains illegal in the United States.

How to Take Echinacea for Health

How to Take Echinacea for Health

Echinacea (Echinacea purpurea or Echinacea angustifolia) is also known as purple coneflower. It resembles a blackeyed Susan and grows in the central plains of North America. The following steps will help you decide whether or not to take this herbal supplement.


Read about the historical uses of echinacea. Its thick black roots have been used by Native Americans for centuries to treat infections and wounds, especially snake bites. It was used in the United States as a general cure-all in the 18th and 19th centuries until the introduction of antibiotics.


Look at the results from modern scientific testing of echinacea. It has been studied extensively in Germany, where the stems and leaves have been approved for the treatment of colds, respiratory infections, slow-healing wounds and urinary infections.


Study the side effects of echinacea. Echinacea is generally safe when used appropriately, but rare individuals may be allergic with reactions ranging from mild rashes to anaphylaxis. Echinacea also may cause numbness or tingling in the tongue when ingested.


Take no more than the recommended dosage of 300 mg of the powdered extract three times per day. Echinacea also may be taken as a tea using one to two grams of the powdered leaves.


Use caution when taking echinacea if you have asthma or allergies. Echinacea is also contraindicated in patients taking immuno-suppressive medication.

How to Improve Health With Green Tea

How to Improve Health With Green Tea

Millions of people are learning the health benefits of green tea. It contains nutrients that are essential to a healthy lifestyle. Green tea has helped build people's immune systems for more than 4,700 years. Today you see it added to bottled water, weight loss products and even soda pop.


Choose a green tea with L-thiamine. It is the component in green tea that strengthens T-cells. Green tea gives your body an anti-inflammatory and an anti-allergic boost.


Read the ingredients on the tea. Make sure that it includes catechin. A study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concludes that daily consumption of tea containing 690 mg catechin for 12 consecutive weeks reduces body fat. The catechins also increase the brain chemical norepinephrine and slow the rate of cognitive decline.


Make sure the tea has antioxidants. Studies show that antioxidants slow the growth cancer cells. Antioxidants fight damage caused by free radicals.


Buy tea that has been steamed not fermented. Steamed tea leaves have more nutritional value than fermented tea leaves.


Drink at least two to three cups of green tea a day. Studies suggest that green tea helps your circulatory system by reducing the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.

Tips & Warnings

In most studies about green tea, the participants drink 4 to 5 cups of tea a day.

You should not add milk or cream to green tea. It hinders the beneficial effects of the tea.

Green tea capsules are also available and work just as well as regular green tea.

How to Talk Your Parents Into Buying You a Designer Bag

How to Talk Your Parents Into Buying You a Designer Bag

The stylish accessory among many
is a high end designer bag. Retailers offer styles targeted to this market. If designer bags are your most wanted fashion item, talk to your parents and try to convince them that you are ready to carry a designer bag.


Tell your parents about the designer


trend among high school and middle school girls. Share with your parent which of your friends has a designer bag and explain why you need a bag of your own. Inform your parents that designer bags are in style for all age groups and are not just for adults.


Recognize that designer bags are expensive. Acknowledge you need to be careful with the bag. If it is lost, do not expect a replacement.


Ask for a designer bag as a major birthday or holiday gift. Tell your parents you know designer bags are expensive and you do not expect any other big gifts.


Offer to pay for the bag yourself. Spend your own babysitting money or birthday money on a designer bag. Offer to do chores around the house to earn money for the bag.


Consider shopping for designer bags at outlet or used clothing stores. The selection is not as extensive but the prices are significantly lower than at regular stores.


Point out other teens carrying designer bags if your parents feel you are too young for such an expensive item. Ask for support from friend's parents who allow their teens to buy designer bags.


Convince your father to buy mom a new designer bag for her birthday. Ask to borrow her old designer bag. Stop by the designer bag store whenever you and your mother are shopping. Point out all the new youthful styles. See which designer bags your mom likes. Encourage your mother to buy herself a new bag and maybe she will get you one, also.

How to Take Care of New Piercings

How to Take Care of New Piercings

Getting a new piercing can be exciting, but not giving it the proper care can have disastrous and sometimes painful results. New piercings need proper care in order for the skin around the piercing to heal and
stay healthy


Clean the piercing with anti-bacterial soap three times a day. For a tongue piercing, rinse your mouth with Listerine each time you eat. Sucking on ice also helps with the pains and swelling.


Rotate your piercing at least twice a day so the skin doesn't heal around the piercing.


Soak your piercing in salt water to get rid of any crust that has formed. Use a Q-tip or cotton swab to gently clean any matter away from the area.


Cover your ear piercing with tissue when using hair products or perfume. Clean your telephone with a disinfectant after each use.


Wear loose-fitting clothes or belts for naval piercings and try not to sleep on your stomach, as air circulation is good for healing. Frequently replace your bedding.


Wait at least 1 month before changing your jewelry in order to give it proper time to heal. Jewelry should be continuously worn for 4 to 6 months after that or the piercing can close up.

Tips & Warnings

Always wash your hands before touching your piercing.

Don't use alcohol or peroxide to clean the area as those will dry out the skin.

Seek medical treatment immediately if an infection occurs.